Adoptee Search | Records, Birthdate, Birth Parents, Birth Mother

We are living in an amazing time in history where information is right at your fingertips. All it takes is a few keywords to search and you are on your way. When it comes to searching for birth parents, it has never been easier to track down information. However, that does not mean that every search will be simple or expedient. If you are fortunate enough to have detailed information about your birth parents such as names and dates, there are many ways to begin your search right away and without cost. Here are the top three free ways to search for your birth parents.

1. Reunion Registry

The Reunion Registry is a fantastic tool to utilize when searching for your birth parents. Not only is it free, but it works in two efficient ways. The registry not only allows you to register the information you have about your birth parents, but also allows you to register any identifying information about yourself. This is helpful as if there is a chance that your birth parents are also seeking you out. They may be able to search their information and be linked to you directly. The second way it works is it allows you to search any information you may have to see if anyone is seeking you. This may be your birth parents or any possible extended birth family such as siblings or grandparents. Registering your information is a good step in the right direction in case someone does search for you at any point. There is a premium feature that gives you additional messaging and other features such as photos, but the cost for that is only $9.99 per year!

2. Social Media

If you are at all present on social media, you may have seen the posts of a person holding up a piece of poster board with information on it. This information usually includes names, dates, and other identifying information about a family member for whom they are searching. It is amazing the power these posts wield and the reach they can have. Many family members have been found through this method of posting and sharing. Social media is a free avenue through which you might find some success in the search for your birth parents. Not only can you post information in the poster board form, but you may be able to use information like names and locations to find your birth parent’s social media profile. You may also post information in various social media groups to have other’s help in your search. 


3. Records Search

There is nothing like finding out that you might have access to accurate and thorough documentation surrounding your adoption. It may be right at your fingertips even if you did have a closed adoption. The laws are ever-changing regarding adoption records, with many states allowing records to be released if the adoptee is over 18, though some information may be redacted. The first step in locating adoption records would be to ask your adoptive parents if possible. While this can sometimes feel a bit awkward, they may have the documentation stored away or have more information that they did not think was important at the time. The second step would be to contact the adoption agency through which you were placed. They may or may not be able to release records, but they might be able to point you in the right direction. Lastly, you may want to check local birth announcements, newspapers, and local record archives from the day and in the place that you were born. You may never know what information you may find!

Lita Jordan is a master of all things "home." A work-from-home, stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of five. She has a BA in Youth Ministry from Spring Arbor University. She is married to the "other Michael Jordan" and lives on coffee and its unrealistic promises of productivity. Lita enjoys playing guitar and long trips to Target. Follow her on Facebook.

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